Sunday, October 26, 2008

Virginia Woolf : Women = Men .

When I started reading Chapter 4 on Virginia Woolf’s famous essay "A room of one’s own", I did not know I was going to be reading one of the most interesting and intelligent pieces of work related to the role of women in both literature and society. She did an excellent job on coming up ideas about the women’s literary history, stating that women are intelligent as men and that they have been controlled by them in the way they think and write.
According to her, women always wanted to express themselves as human beings and citizens they are and also they wanted to demonstrate that they deserve the same treatment and the same rights. Women just wanted to stop being discriminated by men and have an space on society in order to participate actively in all the events that have impact on their lives, they wanted to have jobs, study and have a better life . At the same time, through writing they wanted to show they were capable of creating different and original novels in which they can express their thoughts and criticize the powerful domination that men had on their lives.
In the years this essay was written, it started to occur one of the most significant changes in society. It was the possibility that women have the right to suffrage and therefore, start to have opinion and force in men’s reality.
I personally think this essay is very contemporary to our reality because although we have advanced as society in including women as equals, we have still not changed in some aspects. For example, in terms of jobs the salary that men earn is a lot more than women, or the fact that we have a female president is still not totally accepted by some and for men is easier to attack her because of her faults but when we had a male president it was a very different story.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Posts Corrections

Correction 1 : “Coleridge's Kubla Khan : The Intellectual Journey”

Coleridge’s Kubla Khan poem starts with an image of nature. It represents harmonious landscapes of a wild panorama and it riches a state of pleasure as the first stanza goes by.

Undoubtedly this piece of poetry tries to awake our inner emotions. As the poems lapses one begins to feel immerse into the poem, and also into the images it reflects. Imagination and emotions are closely linked and even though reason is not part of the concept of the poem, it acts surrounding it not as something reasonable to believe in but it allows you to reach an intellectual beauty through these bunch of passionate words.

What I liked the most about this poem is that it touches you in a way you cannot easily describe. We could agree that this poem is a very simple one, but that is the mayor issue: how something simple is so difficult to explain?

Correction 2 : Existential Problems on Keats’ Life

It is clear that in Keats’ sonnets one can see how his own life experiences are taken and written. This is one of the romantic characteristics we can find. Also we find that the use of the image “vision of the sky” represents the sense of connection with nature.

I think that the sonnets show how he lived, with so much pain along his life and that that he considered himself as a weak person. In the same way these sonnets express the image of death as a form of escaping from his reality.

These sonnets represent the idea of the contraries. I believe this because he describes interesting places although he is not feeling quite well. It is like he is not totally complete. And here is also present the idea of heart Vs brain.