Monday, September 15, 2008


It is a very interesting novel in which is discussed the theme of power, knowledge, pregnancy, moral values, responsibility, etc. According to the article “The Birth of a Monster” is crucial the theme pregnancy as a women’s fear factor. Here is shown this topic in relationship with the author Mary Shelley, who had a lot of problems during her nurturing. In fact she lost two babies.
In addition, power and knowledge are quite dense topics to discuss about. This is because Victor Frankenstein believed that he had an unlimited power and he could challenge God’s creation. Therefore, he created this creature which once he saw it he rejected immediately. There is no parental responsibility at all and the creature started to “growing up” alone. While this monster begin to acquire knowledge it started to realize how different is from the rest of the humanity and therefore rejected for being such a creature.
Another valid topic to discuss from the novel is what the limits are for knowledge? Is it really legal that someone play with a child’s life? Well, this monster wasn’t a child but it needed love as the other child have. Nowadays, there are lots of experiments including human cloning which is something similar to what the novel represents, and one of the points to consider is the human power of destroying himself in his search or ambition for new discoveries.

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