Sunday, September 7, 2008

Existential Problems on Keats’ Life

On Keats’ sonnets is clear that his own life experiences are taken and written. That is one of the romantic characteristics we can find. Also we find that the use of image “vision of the sky” represents the sense of connection with nature.
I think that the sonnets show how he lived with so much pain that he considered himself as a weak person”. In the same way these sonnets express an image of death as a form of escape of that reality. I imagined because of Keats’ pain.
These sonnets represent an idea of opposition. Because he describes some interesting places but he is not feeling quite well. It is like he is not totally complete. There is also present the idea of heart vs brain.

1 comment:

Claudia Trajtemberg said...

Hi Pablo,
Yes, one finds a lot of Keats´s own experience and images of nature in his sonnets and poems.
The image of death as a way to escape from reality is rather ambiguous don´t you think. On the one hand it might be interpreted as a way to escape from death, but on the other it may very well be his way to face it instead.

As you´ve mentioned in your reflection, there are lots of oppositions. Life/death, imagination/reality, heart/brain, etc.
Well done!.