Sunday, November 2, 2008

Auden & Spender.

In “SEPTEMBER 1, 1939” written by W.H. Auden, what we can find is a bunch of feelings towards uncertainty, hopelessness and disappointment. Here it is represented how all the wonderful modern ideas, that once enchanted people, are falling down because of the greed and empowerment of “developed nations”. The idea of an imminent war or disaster is depicted as well as a consequence of the corruption in worlds’ nations. A false democracy and dictatorships as the rule is what Auden wanted to express to the world in order to demonstrate that there is no hope for people who do not have power. Ordinary people are not important now, they just have to obey the “law”. In this poem, Auden also stated that “there is no State” as an image in which is represented the idea of not having credible politicians or authorities and that they are not worried about people anymore, they just like to gain respect among nations.

In “Fall of a city” by Stephen Spender, depicted feeling of darkness and desolation. The image that the poem gives is that a city was destroyed by war. This image is really powerful because it is not only the destruction of buildings, houses or streets, it is also the destruction of a culture and people’s life. They do not have their own idiosyncrasy anymore and now they have to adequate themselves to what it is imposed to them as life. Therefore, they lose all what they have including their own beliefs, custom and identity. In this poem is also depicted the image of Education as something no longer useful to children. This is because they are not taught to learn valuable things they are only learning about disasters, how the strongest kills the weakest, no solidarity between people and nations, etc.

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