Wednesday, November 12, 2008

essay not finished.

Literature essay

Introduction – To talk about the importance of teaching literature in classes. And this as a useful source to teach critical thinking skills.
Also, the idea of democracy in class based on respect of opinions and interpretations.

Examples of using literature:
Mary Shelley and Frankenstein.
Poem Sept 1. 1939 by Auden
Virginia Woolf and feminism

First example.

For example, if we go deep into Mary Shelley’s novel called “Frankenstein”, there are many themes that a teacher can work in order to develop critical thinking skills. There are ideas which can be used to explore new concepts, for instance the idea of How are we educated?. There we have that the whole story is based on the premise that Frankenstein while he grew up he was totally alone. So, he started to raise hatred towards his family. Although, this story has been seen as a superficial one because when people hear about it, they may think that it is just a monster and so, there should be a teacher who can take this story and make it meaningful for students. That the theme of hate, anger or what happen with children who are left alone would be the topics to be discussed. That the idea of education as a source that can humanize people be a good theme to be analyzed, and that students can have their own interpretation of that.

In the process of teaching we can find that literature and especially poems are good resources at the moment of relating topics you want students to be reflecting on. For instance,


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